Social Media Firms on the Rise with New Media Marketing
As mobile phone innovations continue to lead to the increased number of people accessing the internet, social media firms are emerging and lending helping tweets to business owners in need of guidance.
Businesses have noticed a shift in the marketing world with the implementation of new media. New media involves everything from social networking sites, to videos, to applications, to mobile communication. Formed in the reality that many business don’t have the time to keep updated with the new media wave, social media firms are developing all over the world. Businesses who would be otherwise stuck with traditional methods are thanking them, and so are job hunters.
According to, 1.5 percent of all job postings contained the keyword “social media” in 2012, and as of January 2013, social media job openings are on the rise again. Companies are looking for experts to handle regular Facebook and Twitter updates as well as track and interpret data from analytics reports.
Many entrepreneurs are pioneering social media firms as a side business, recognizing the demand for the management of new media. They’re successful too. According to the Social Media Examiner website, 75% of businesses have a company profile on a social media website, 69% post status updates and related articles, and 54% monitor consumer feedback through social media. In addition to the big names like Facebook and Twitter, several new applications are being created every day and growing substantially popular. It’s no wonder a business would need to hire someone to keep up with it all.
Also according to the Social Media Examiner, a survey from Duke University found that almost 20 percent of marketing budgets will go toward social media marketing in the next five years. Companies are also more likely to turn to interactive agencies and social media firms over public relations firms and advertising agencies. Indeed, you don’t want to put your social media accounts into the hands of just anyone who says they are an expert based on recreational Facebook experience.
As one of the top social media firms in Central Florida, we specialize in planning, managing, and measuring social media marketing campaigns for small businesses. Our social media experts have the knowledge and tools needed to analyze your company’s strengths, areas of opportunity, and overall impact in the social cyber world. While obtaining “likes” on Facebook and followers on Twitter is important, it’s all about the bottom line and how to increase it with the use of social media marketing. We research and determine what methods lead to conversions, sales and overall revenue.
We are always seeking out ways to better meet the needs of small businesses who are seeking to implement more social media initiatives. As we continue to ride the new media wave, we hope to be one of the social media firms who thrive as frontrunners in the evolution of the business-publicity relationship in the cyber dimension.